Duales Studium Business Administration (B.A.) 2025 (w/m/d) in Hannover
E.ON Country Hub Germany GmbH
On-Site, Fixed-term contract
Full or part time
Duales Studium Business Administration (B.A.) 2025 (w/m/d) in Hannover
Job description
Wir, die Energie-Pensions-Management GmbH (EPM), sind ein Gemeinschaftsunternehmen von E.ON und Uniper. Wir stehen mit jahrzehntelanger Erfahrung und Leidenschaft für Serviceleistungen in allen Bereichen der betrieblichen Altersversorgung und dem kaufmännischen Management von Pensionseinrichtungen. Aktuell zählen wir rund 200 Unternehmen mit über 250 verschiedenen Versorgungsregelungen zu unseren Kunden. Vom Standort Hannover aus managen wir mit rund 90 Mitarbeitenden ganzheitlich die Leistungsansprüche von über 90.000 Anwärtern, Versorgungsempfängern und Vorruheständlern. Basierend auf einem profunden Verständnis unserer Kundenerwartungen und unserer langjährigen Expertise agieren wir im Kundenmanagement flexibel, professionell und individuell. Wir bieten herausfordernde Aufgaben sowie ein attraktives Arbeitsumfeld in einem Team aus Spezialisten mit Humor und Teamgeist. Als eigenständiges Unternehmen eingebunden in einen großen Konzern vereinen wir die Vorteile beider Welten. Flexible Arbeitszeiten, mobiles Arbeiten, angemessene Vergütung, eine attraktive Altersversorgung und viele weitere Sozialleistungen sind für uns selbstverständlich.
Das Studium - Der perfekte Mix aus Theorie und Praxis:
Du lernst während deines dualen Studiums verschiedene Fachbereiche innerhalb der Energie-Pensions-Managements GmbH (EPM) kennen und erwirbst dort qualifiziertes kaufmännisches Know-how mit dem Schwerpunkt „betriebliche Altersvorsorge“ sowie weitere Schwerpunkte, wie z. B. Rentenservice, HR, Unternehmenskommunikation und alle weiteren kaufmännischen Prozesse eines Dienstleistungsunternehmens. Während deines dualen Studiums durchläufst du diverse Bereiche unseres Unternehmens und erlernst das Theoriewissen an der FOM Hochschule in Hannover im Studiengang Business Administration (B.A.)
Das erwartet dich in deinem Studium:
Die Basis des Bachelorstudiengangs Business Administration bildet die Vermittlung eines grundlegenden betriebswirtschaftlichen Fachwissens. Ergänzend hierzu lernst du, eigene Stärken und Entwicklungsfelder zu analysieren und die Erarbeitung individueller Lernstrategien.
Das Abend- und Samstagsstudium findet an der FOM in Hannover statt und hat eine Regelstudienzeit von sieben Semestern.
Schwerpunkte des Studiums:
- Finanzierung & Investition
- Finance & Controlling
- Human Resource Management
- Sales Management
- Einkauf & Logistik
- Marketing
Ein Background, der uns überzeugt
Für unser duales Studium im E.ON Konzern in Hannover bei der EPM suchen wir aufgeweckte, neugierige und mutige Menschen, die eigene Ideen in den Arbeitsalltag einbringen und auch mal kritische Fragen stellen.
- Du hast das (Fach-)Abitur mit guten schulischen Leistungen in den Fächern Mathematik Deutsch und Englisch abgeschlossen und hast erste Erfahrungen im Umgang mit dem PC
- Du hast Spaß an kaufmännischen und mathematischen Aufgaben
- Du bringst Engagement, Selbstständigkeit sowie Zuverlässigkeit mit und hast Interesse an kaufmännischen Zusammenhängen
- Du hast Spaß am Umgang mit Menschen, bist kundenorientiert und hast ein freundliches Auftreten
- Du besitzt logisches Denkvermögen sowie Organisationstalent und hast Spaß dir komplexe Sachverhalte zu erschließen
- Du bringst verhandlungssichere Sprachkenntnisse in Deutsch und sehr gute Englischkenntnisse mit
Ein Umfeld, das dich motiviert
- Verantwortungsvolle, abwechslungsreiche sowie herausfordernde Aufgaben in einem modernen Arbeitsumfeld
- Ein motiviertes, herzliches und offenes Team mit viel Humor sowie gemeinsame Teamevents
- Sehr gute Work-Life-Balance durch flexible Arbeitszeitmodelle, Angebot des mobilen Arbeitens bereits während des dualen Studiums
- 30 Tage Jahresurlaub, arbeitsfreie Tage an Heiligabend und Silvester sowie Brückentagregelungen und 2 weitere Lerntage
- Moderne IT-Ausstattung, wie z. B. ein Laptop und Diensthandy
- Lernreise zur fachlichen und persönlichen Weiterentwicklung, wie
z. b. ein Onboarding und Teambuilding zum Start, Erste-Hilfe-Schulung - Mitarbeiterrabatte, sowie einen individuellen Mobilitätszuschuss und unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen einen Mietzuschuss von 250 €
- Kostenfreie Getränke sowie kostengünstige Angebote sowohl im betriebsinternen Bistro als auch in der Kantine
- moderne Büroflächen inkl. kostenlose Parkplätze
It is important to us that people with disabilities have access to a fair application process, providing them with an opportunity to shine. Therefore, our representative body for severely disabled people will be included in the process from an early stage. Please let us know via the application form if you require technical or organisational adjustments during the application process. We will strive to make the required aids available.
Should you not be able to apply online and want to speak someone in person, please contact your local recruiter.
What else you should know:
Type of contract: | Fixed-term contract |
Employment type: | Full or part time |
Work Model: | On-Site |
Company: | E.ON Country Hub Germany GmbH |
Job number: | 232591 |
As long as the position is advertised on our careers page, we are looking for suitable candidates (f/m/d). We look forward to receiving your application!
Any questions?
As long as the position is advertised on our careers page, we are looking for suitable candidates (f/m/d). We look forward to receiving your application!
Application process
Depending on the company and position, the process may vary. So we are providing you with an exemplary overview of the possible steps involved. Your recruiter can help you with any additional questions you may have.
Online application
Your online application is the first step of the application process. All jobs are advertised in our career portal. Create an application profile – it will only take about two minutes and can open the door for you to jobs in all E.ON Group companies worldwide. All applications for advertised jobs at E.ON must be made online.
In the interview, we get to know each other better. Tell us about yourself and ask us anything that is on your mind: about the position, the team or generally about E.ON as an employer. The interview will take place either in person or online. We look forward to meeting you.
Contract and onboarding
Welcome to the team! We want to make sure that you'll find your way around the company quickly. During your onboarding you’ll learn everything you need to know about E.ON and your new work environment.
We value and foster diversity
Society is diverse – just like our workforce. We’ve proved that fresh ideas and perspectives always emerge when an exciting blend of different people work together. That's why we work hard to become a diversity pioneer.
In 2008, we signed the German Diversity Charter. We are also a member of numerous national and international networks and initiatives that deal with various aspects of diversity.
And we also promote an inclusive culture internally. To name just two examples: In Germany, we run a mentoring programme to prepare female employees for leadership positions. We also launched the CEO Awards for Diversity & Inclusion in 2018. The awards support people and activities at E.ON who are committed to diversity and inclusion.
Behind the scenes
At E.ON we are convinced that good energy connects. Get to know the people at E.ON, find out what we stand for and what topics you can work on with us.
Every change counts
There is no single solution that will solve all of our energy problems. That’s why, across Europe, E.ON experts empower Change Makers on their path to create a more sustainable tomorrow.
We have already received several awards for our commitment as an employer - including in the areas of women and family friendliness and as a "Top Company" from the employer rating platform kununu.
Hybrid Working
For the most part, we have a hybrid working model in place where we work partly in the office and partly from home, depending on the task. This supports your work-life balance and protects the environment. We value personal exchange just as much as digital opportunities for collaboration, and we’ll provide you with the equipment and digital tools you need to do your job well. Please contact your recruiter to learn more about the working options of your desired position.
E.ON is one of Europe's largest operators of energy networks and infrastructure and a provider of innovative energy solutions for around 48 million customers. Around 74,000 employees are constantly working to digitize the energy world, achieve net zero and connect everyone to good energy. To achieve this, we are focusing our actions on sustainability, digitalization, and growth. We strongly believe that differences make us stronger and welcome all people into our inclusive and diverse culture.
Together into a green energy future
What makes E.ON stand out as an employer
Sense of purpose
Together we pave the way for the green energy transition in Europe and enable society and our customers to become C02-neutral.
Together we pave the way for the green energy transition in Europe and enable society and our customers to become C02-neutral.Sustainability
We make energy cleaner and smarter, giving our customers access to a sustainable supply of electricity and heat.
We make energy cleaner and smarter, giving our customers access to a sustainable supply of electricity and heat.Winning culture
We promote an inclusive culture where everyone feels valued and where everyone can reach their full potential and make a meaningful contribution to E.ON's success.
We promote an inclusive culture where everyone feels valued and where everyone can reach their full potential and make a meaningful contribution to E.ON's success.Recognition
We value the contribution of each individual. We recognise individual achievements and reward the successes we deliver as a team.
We value the contribution of each individual. We recognise individual achievements and reward the successes we deliver as a team.Work Life Balance
Family or career? It doesn’t have to be either/or. Whether flexitime, part-time or hybrid working: At E.ON, you will find the right model for every life situation.
Family or career? It doesn’t have to be either/or. Whether flexitime, part-time or hybrid working: At E.ON, you will find the right model for every life situation.Health
Benefit from our wide range of health and well-being offers and take advantage of preventative activities.
Benefit from our wide range of health and well-being offers and take advantage of preventative activities.Network
Joining E.ON opens the door to countless opportunities – regionally and internationally.
Joining E.ON opens the door to countless opportunities – regionally and internationally.Development
Whether you're looking for a specialist or management career, our individual training programmes will help you develop both professionally and personally.
Whether you're looking for a specialist or management career, our individual training programmes will help you develop both professionally and personally.Onboarding
We’ll help you learn everything you need to know about E.ON and your new working environment – making your start at E.ON easy.
We’ll help you learn everything you need to know about E.ON and your new working environment – making your start at E.ON easy.